U.S. States whose auto industry was hit hardest during COVID-19

Photo Credit: Phonlamai Photo / Shutterstock Amid recent concerns about inflation, rising prices for new and used vehicles have received significant attention. According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the price of vehicles increased by 11.8% for new cars and a whopping 37.3% for used cars from December 2020 to December 2021. Even in an environment of rising prices across the economy, the spike in vehicle prices stands out.

History of auto supply shortages

Underwood Archives // Getty Images Supply chain issues have been dominant in the news in 2021. Major issues with the timely delivery of parts across the world have spelled trouble for a number of industries, and the auto industry is no exception. Auto supply shortages are the result of a number of factors, including shortages of semiconductor chips and other necessary car parts. But this is far from the first time external factors and events have created trouble for the auto industry.

5 costs to consider before leasing a car

Nestor Rizhniak // Shutterstock Leasing a car, an SUV, or a pick-up truck can be the perfect choice for many people. Monthly payments are often less than those for purchasing a vehicle, drivers can get a brand-new car every couple of years, and concluding the lease can be as simple as turning in the keys. But a number of costs and fees, not to mention the terminology, can make the prospect daunting and confusing.

States where travel has made a comeback

Photo Credit: ImYanis / Shutterstock The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on many sectors of the economy, but the travel and tourism industries have been among the hardest-hit. In the spring and early summer of 2020, widespread shutdowns kept many people at home in efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. While these restrictions were relaxed over the course of the year, making it easier to travel, ongoing concerns about the virus continued to deter travel.

Metros with the biggest freeway systems

TierneyMJ // Shutterstock Millions of Americans travel U.S. roadways every single day. While the Interstate Highway System was conceived in 1921, it really didn’t take shape until the 1950s under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He supported the enactment of the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956 for several reasons, including congestion relief and economic development. The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways is a system of roads connecting states using a series of highways.

States With the Most Distracted Teen Drivers

Photo Credit: Burdun Iliya / Shutterstock Teen drivers are one of the highest-risk groups on the road. Young drivers are more likely to make mistakes from inexperience, get distracted by devices or other passengers, or engage in risky behaviors like speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, or drinking and driving. In recent decades, more states have implemented policy change in an effort to reduce risks for teen drivers and those who share the road with them.

15 cars that depreciated the most in 2021

Canva Every new car depreciates in value once it’s driven off the lot—but in the months and years that follow, some cars retain significantly more value than others. Today, that information is more valuable than ever: The resale market in 2020 was more than three times larger than the market for new cars, with 39.3 million used vehicles sold as opposed to 14 million new ones. CoPilot looked to its database of new and used vehicle sales to determine which vehicle models saw the highest average depreciation in 2021.

States Most Impacted by Travel Restrictions

Photo Credit: Maridav / Shutterstock The spread of COVID-19’s Delta variant has been a significant step backward in the U.S.’s efforts to fight off the coronavirus pandemic. Cases and hospitalizations reached their highest levels since last winter and could rise again this winter, with large portions of the population still unvaccinated and fall’s cooler temperatures and indoor gatherings approaching. In response, many jurisdictions returned to mask requirements, capacity restrictions, and other public health measures to slow the spread of the Delta variant, and individuals are rethinking their own behaviors and preferences to avoid the variant.

10 commonly leased vehicles that can be sold for a profit

Photo: Canva In 2020, about 15 million cars were sold in the United States. Most Americans bought their new vehicles outright, but about one of every four vehicles were sold via a lease option. Leases allow buyers to drive a car for some contracted time frame—most often three years—while they make monthly payments until the lease expiration date. It’s an arrangement with several advantages, especially for the foreseeable future, despite the bounce back in the economy.

Cities that spend the most on transportation

Photo Credit: Harbucks / Shutterstock A year and a half into the pandemic, COVID-19 is still having profound effects on the global economy. The abrupt shutdown of many aspects of daily life from last spring has diminished, but the economic recovery has been inconsistent, affecting supply and demand differently across sectors. This unsteady path to economic recovery has stoked fears of inflation, as prices in many sectors are showing dramatic fluctuations and challenging household spending.

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